Weekly and Regular Activities

The Society of Artists Newcastle Inc has its own premises which means that members have a venue where they can meet in a social setting to paint together, share ideas and gather information. There are up to seven social art groups during the week in addition to Portrait Painters, Life Drawing, Plein Air and Urban Sketchers. There are also weekday and weekend workshops.
To enquire about our social art activities, contact, contact the group convener on the listing. All attendees at activities in the rooms need to become members after a trial period of maximum of two sessions.
For each social art session members pay a $5 fee which is used to service the rooms and includes tea/ coffee and biscuits as well as the ability to borrow from our extensive library.
If you are interested in groups with models please contact the following regarding fees and availability:
Portrait Painters - Denise Johns; 0418 687 467
Life Drawing - Neill Green text; 0418 976 400 E: [email protected]
For outdoor groups the contacts are:
Urban Sketchers - Contact: Naomi Forryan; [email protected], or see Facebook page: Urban Sketchers Newcastle.
Plein Air Group – check the newsletter or website for meeting points.
To enquire about our social art activities, contact, contact the group convener on the listing. All attendees at activities in the rooms need to become members after a trial period of maximum of two sessions.
For each social art session members pay a $5 fee which is used to service the rooms and includes tea/ coffee and biscuits as well as the ability to borrow from our extensive library.
If you are interested in groups with models please contact the following regarding fees and availability:
Portrait Painters - Denise Johns; 0418 687 467
Life Drawing - Neill Green text; 0418 976 400 E: [email protected]
For outdoor groups the contacts are:
Urban Sketchers - Contact: Naomi Forryan; [email protected], or see Facebook page: Urban Sketchers Newcastle.
Plein Air Group – check the newsletter or website for meeting points.
Weekly Activities days and times:
Portrait Painters 9:00 - 12:30
Social Art 1:00 - 4:00
Portrait Painters 9:00 - 12:30
Social Art 1:00 - 4:00
Life Drawing 9:00-12:30
Social Art 1:00-4:00
Life Drawing 9:00-12:30
Social Art 1:00-4:00
Social Art (Chinese Brush Painting) 9:00-12:00
Workshops 1:00-4:00
Social Art 5;00
Social Art (Chinese Brush Painting) 9:00-12:00
Workshops 1:00-4:00
Social Art 5;00
Social Art 9:00-12:00
(Cleaner every second week)
Social Art 9:00-12:00
(Cleaner every second week)
Social Art 10:00-1:00
Social Art 10:00-1:00
Urban Sketching
On location 9:30 - 12:30
On location 9:30 - 12:30
Saturday & Sunday
Last Saturday of the month
Social Art (Watercolour) 10:00
Third Saturday of the month
Social Art
Last Saturday of the month
Social Art (Watercolour) 10:00
Third Saturday of the month
Social Art
Third Saturday of the Month
Social Art at rooms, 10 AM start,
Social Art at rooms, 10 AM start,
Urban Sketchers
Second Saturday each month;
10:00 AM on location
Fourth Sunday each month;
10:00 AM on location
Second Saturday each month;
10:00 AM on location
Fourth Sunday each month;
10:00 AM on location
There are regular exhibitions and workshops during the year (see newsletter for dates.
For list of Weekly and Regular Activities including contact details for activity "convenors" download the pdf.

Weekly and Regular Activities |