Renewals are due July 1 each year
Address ________________________________________________________
______________________________________________ Postcode _________
Email __________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________ Mobile ____________________________
PRIVACY POLICY: your information will only be used for Society newsletters and announcements,
and will NOT be disclosed to any third party. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Please indicate membership type for this application
RENEWAL Regular member: $40
RENEWAL Pensioner: $30
NEW Regular member: $40 + $10 joining fee = $50
NEW Pensioner: $30 + $10 joining fee = $40
Newsletters are sent by email only.
Please indicate your payment method CASH or DIRECT DEBIT
Amount paid: _______ Date payment was made:________________
BSB 637 000 (Greater Building Society) Account No: 718363055
Please use as your reference: (your Name) + “MEM” eg J Smith MEM
Please post your completed form to:
Membership Secretary
Society of Artists Newcastle Inc
PO Box 174
New Lambton NSW 2305
Or email: [email protected]
Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope so that we can return your receipt plus a Membership Card which entitles you to some discounts at leading art supply stores.
For any membership inquiries, please contact
Kathy Loudon, Fridays 10-2 on 4952 6902 (Society phone number)